Critique Welcomed Despite the arguments...

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
...Johnny still wants in.


Taken in a Target store Starbucks - Encinitas CA.

X-Pro1 and 18mm Lens - Covert shot from the hip
Our Target just had a refurb Beth - still looking all shiny and nice ;)
Brilliant Chris. Wonderfully observed and captured. The partial silhouettes work perfectly and the lad on the right balances it all up superbly. I do find the car wheel a tiny bit distracting though. Maybe crop it out? What do you think?

That was my exact reaction
What an absolutely superb photograph Chris. Everything is spot on. I can see what the others mean about the tyre, but I like the way you have a lighter element on the left hand side. Not equal to the right, but just nice. You would also lose the lovely light on the floor on the bottom left hand side. I feel it might make that area a tad too heavy :)
HAHA! the title reminds me of the doctor who episode the empty child. nobody likes being the only kid left out. the kid just needs a gas mask.

great exposure. your target looks oddly cleaner than ours..

haha you are such a Doctor Who geek lolol... not that i'm one to argue
I have been looking at street photography on the web and saw this and think its one of the best ones I have seen. Not exactly street but close enough, it has many elements that keep your interest. If the tyre is an issue for you could you burn it a little? I think you need to keep that block of light area on the left.
Another good one Chris. How does the hip shooting work? Have you got it down to being able to get the levels correct. or are they like mine, all leaning to one side.
Thanks everyone

I definitely struggled with that car/wheel as it does attract the eye, but the panel of light on the left did provide a balance, so I left it in.

I'll perhaps take Paul's suggestion and go back in for some tweaks to calm it down a little - see how that looks.

I think this counts as street, although it's inside a store looking out of course. The little boy stuck his face up against the glass and I just saw the impending event and powered up the camera.

Managed to get two frames, one of which was focused on the floor, and this one which was pretty much what I needed.

SWMBO was giving me hard stares for the next 5 minutes as we waited in line at the Starbucks counter :D

- - - Updated - - -

Another good one Chris. How does the hip shooting work? Have you got it down to being able to get the levels correct. or are they like mine, all leaning to one side.

I have developed a way of holding the camera that gets the levels close, and then I correct afterwards in PS if I have enough room in the frame to do so.

That's one advantage of using a wide angle (28mm eqiv) rather than the traditional 35mm street lens - you have more space to play with to square everything up after the event.
LOL! The young guy who's getting an earful is clearly resigned to his fate. (I don't think I'd want to argue back with her either!) Lovely shot. I agree about the wheel. The image is just a wee bit unbalanced. But, having said that, its a wonderful image and after all, who am I to suggest it be cropped?
Dynamic matting Pete! :D