Die Orgel

The new organ in the St Michaelis church in Hildesheim. An amazing looking instrument. Unfortunately I didn't get to hear in action, but I did buy a CD.


Leica M10 + 35mm Leica Summilux M f1:1.4. ISO 200, 1/40s at f1:2.8. PP in LR / Nik ColorFX Pro 4.
That's great Pete.
One thing I really like (and it's just a little diversion, but I love those!) is the way that my brain just can't work out what the element in the bottom right corner is. It just doesn't sit right and I love the way I keep trying to work out what it is...and fail!
Apart from that, it brings to mind a photo I took in a church a couple of years ago. I won't spoil your thread, so I'll post it in a new one.
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That's great Pete.
One thing I really like (and it's just a little diversion, but I love those!) is the way that my brain just can't work out what the element in the bottom right corner is. It just doesn't sit right and I love the way I keep trying to work out what it is...and fail!
Apart from that, it brings to mind a photo I took in a church a couple of years ago. I won't spoil your thread, so I'll post it in a new one.
It must be the mirror for the organist....?
I never guessed that Orgel was feminine in German....:( Hatte gedacht es wäre DAS Orgel, aber eine kurze Internetcheck zeigte das es wirklich DIE Orgel sein sol.... Learned my thing today... Check....