Dining at the Temple of Karnak

Brian Moore


Actually it's The Getty Center. The film was expired Kodak BW400CN that I later cross-processed in Rodinal. The camera was my Cheap-As-Chips Konica Autoreflex TC.
Just love this , nice lead in lines with the shadow and people. Superb me thinks
ah yes, my world feels slightly more at piece, the birds song out of my window sound less discordant, the sun is shining slightly brighter and my man flu is slightly less annoying ... all because the normality of having a Brian photo to look at today has returned! ;)

And a very interesting return too :)

Im with Adam!
so whats with the brown at the bottom? something to do with the cross process?
Adam,...thank you. Much appreciated.

Hamish,...:DI'm delighted I could contribute so meaningfully to you life! :D And thank you.

As to the brown edge,...I'm not sure why that happens. I have other images that have that. It only happens once per roll, and not on every roll. I'm wondering if it's the last frame in the roll, although I don't know why that would make a difference. I'll pull the negs out and have a look.