Do you have a favourite image?

This photo is so beautiful that I would make a photo book out of it: Cover, page 3 Title page, page 5 Preface (with two-three unintelligible words by one of "those who know things"), page 7 Photo, Back-cover. Hardcover, offset printed, 200-gram breaded paper. It would go down a storm.
What mystery lies behind the hooded girl's sardonic smile? Why does her face sparkle? And the one behind her, why is she turning her back?
It's either a dream or a nightmare. Regardless of whether it is a family keepsake, I can see why you love this photo so much, Brian.
😂 Thanks a lot, Gianluca. :)
I have an image that I come back to time and again, one I never seem to tire of. Over my long involvement with photography I have many images I am proud of that have won award and even money. But this one never ceases to calm me and gives a great feeing of satisfaction.

I took the photo very early one morning on a visit to Bath, UK back in 1984 to deposit my elder daughter at her college for the start of a new term. Sleeping on her floor meant I was up early! It is of Pultney Bridge just above the weir. The birds and the light on the balustrade and its shadow really give depth. I always feel calmed and at peace with the world when I look at it.

So, anyone else have a similar image?
A nice image of a nice bridge.
I have an image that I come back to time and again, one I never seem to tire of. Over my long involvement with photography I have many images I am proud of that have won award and even money. But this one never ceases to calm me and gives a great feeing of satisfaction.

I took the photo very early one morning on a visit to Bath, UK back in 1984 to deposit my elder daughter at her college for the start of a new term. Sleeping on her floor meant I was up early! It is of Pultney Bridge just above the weir. The birds and the light on the balustrade and its shadow really give depth. I always feel calmed and at peace with the world when I look at it.

So, anyone else have a similar image?

I don't have a favourite photo, all are my non-favourites. Your favourite is quite evocative and the light (reflected or not) plays the main role in my opinion. The kneeling shot is a brilliant idea and finally the pigeon in flight adds another perceptive layer. Well done!
I don't have a favourite photo, all are my non-favourites. Your favourite is quite evocative and the light (reflected or not) plays the main role in my opinion. The kneeling shot is a brilliant idea and finally the pigeon in flight adds another perceptive layer. Well done!
Thanks Gianluca. I suppose I mean significant rather than favourite. I know this image is one that I never tire of returning to. There are others but this seems to have something extra for me.