Dreich Day in Edinburgh

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Dreich is a good old Scots words which has never been replaced by its English equivalent. Today no other word would do.

I'd been day and night dreaming about the new Leica Monochrome camera (the King's new clothes, maybe, but WHAT CLOTHES!) and hatched a poor-man's plan to set my X100 to B&W with Red filter in camera, and setting off to Arthur's Seat again, to get a contrast to my shots of the other day. A bit of a mistake, methinks, as the quality is not as good as shooting colour and changing to B&W in photoshop :(

Anyway, here are the only salvageable shots...all nine out of nearly 200...

I love dreich days for foties. You've captured some nice ones here, Rob. Tandem, Sunshine on Leith (is that no a song?) Steptoes, Cafe VIP, Tree Bike,...all very nice compos.
You were on fine form Rob

#2 - love the way the hillside leads you to the walkers

Give Way made me smile

Steptoes is my favorite - love the 'Going to Oz' sign!

Rave1 tells the rainy day story perfectly
I have to choose ten of my best images to submit to the Open Uni course. As I'm too close to the images, I let my wife and daughter vote on a selection of 40. When all marks had been added up, we discovered that everyone of the top ten was black and white...

Well, I can't submit that for an 'exam', as they will be looking for control of colour. But it is interesting nonetheless.
Shop for sale, on the bus and the bike in the distance. Lovely shots. And, while not a high-hit day, you came away with some successes and I bet you now look at things differently. Ignoring the quality, I reckon it might be worth looking through the images again. Did you see a colour image and thought it might be nice in B&W or were there some that you saw in B&W? Do you now 'see' image in B&W before you take them?
Cheers, Pete. Often I do see an image in B&W, and compose the shot with that in mind. Other times I'm attracted by colours, and later find out it looks better (or worse) in B&W. I'll never become a B&W purist or specialist, but it does speak a lot to me.