Dress Rehearsal, Scene 1 of...

Brian Moore


...The Nutcracker, put on by Ballet Etudes. Too much camera shake unfortunately.

Camera: Olympus XA
Film: Arista Premium 100
Developer: Rodinal (R09 One Shot) diluted to 1:100
do you know wht i think makes this photo...
the Strip lights and the stationary person in the background
they lead the eye through the motion
Brian - Topaz must have been looking over your shoulder - they have a camera movement feature in their filter, that exactly simulates the effect in this shot! :)

Just as a matter of interest - do you find stabilizing a small/light camera more challenging than a larger/heavier one?
Thanks Chris. Guess I don't need Topaz if I simply fail to hold the camera steady then! ;)

As to stabilizing,...hard to say which is easier. I've been trying to cultivate the ability to shoot at low speeds hand held. I'm using different techniques, starting with holding my breath and squeezing the shutter release smoothly, to using my face or chest or belly as a steady-rest or hunkering down with one knee up to use as a tripod. I actually don't think I could say the XA is any more or less challenging than the F-1.
Playing wit the Canonet, I'm finding I miss the counterweight of a DSLR to keep everything steady.

Nothing to brace against, as it were.

BTW - popped up Signal Hill today to look at the oil wells - as I was in the area and had a few mins between meetings :)
Saw that when it was first posted Hamish. Haven't tried it but is is indeed great simple solution when you don't want to lug a tripod with you.
Brian - great view from Signal Hill

Took some snaps of the oil worker statue on my current test film - if the light leak is fixed, they may even come out! :D
Fantastic Brian. I think this is now my favourite shot of yours to date. I would echo Hamish's comments and I also like the stationary figure in the background watching the performance of her cast. The motion and blur of the figures is just right and the figure exiting the frame to the right really helps the dynamic of the composition I think.
Much appreciated, Pete. Thank you. Last night we had our "tech" rehearsal on stage with stage lighting, etc. I tried shooting some Kodak 800 ASA color film for a change. Unfortunately the stage is smaller than the rehearsal room and thus more crowded so I'm not sure I got any decent images. We'll see what they look like. The nice thing about the XA is that it's small enough to carry largely unnoticed. First performance is this evening so no more on stage shots I'm afraid. Anyway, thanks again Pete!