Critique Required Drunk tiger

Thomas brookes

RPF Chief iPhone app Reviewer
Think this one is better left with no explanation........

Excellent and better for the lack of back-story I think. Definitely worthy of a border and losing a bit off the top! :)

However, I suspect that this is one of a series of undercover shots taken by RSPCAI operatives to highlight the terrible fate that befalls some impersonators. Often lured into drinking contests by 'friends' only to wake up in some shady hotel, not knowing where they are and with no money or hope of making contact with their loved ones. This one looks like he's been in the 'system' for some time and the chances for him are slim. Occasionally they get lucky and the den is raided by the RSPCAI and some are rescued and given a chance for a better and happier life. Like Lesley with her Ferrets, some volunteers even have a spare room or attic converted to given them a place to stay. Maybe RPF should even consider supporting this cause - what do you think Hamish?! ;)