Ed Miliband and Joy Squires

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
Did a shoot for my local labour candidate and Ed ... here is the staged one for use on the website we are making for her
anyway, Ed seems like a nice chap... fairly down to earth, which was nice! :)

Ed and Joy by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr
Eh up Hamish - moving in high political circles I see - very nice!
... It's not what you know ...

I met the local councillor just before the local elections, told her the local labour website could be better.
She gave my details to Joy who happened to nneed a website, liked us and decided she wanted us to make her site.
I told her she needed new photos for her new site and to let me know if anything interesteing happened that I could take photos of. She rang me yesterday saying ed was coming to town.
I literally went from meeting councillor to local candidate to leader of the opposition in three meetings... So, not exactly moving in high political circles (just yet ;) )
He was mostly chatting to the locals ... Joy had roped in a load of the local councilors to sweep and litter pick though ... Which was good to see!
The best bit was when a bunch of rough looking youths came wondering round the corner, I half expects them to shout abuse ... One went "oi that ed milliband" and they all just walked past, thumbs up to him "alright ed", alright
mate" etc ... "alright lads" he says back ... Not much of an anecdote now I write it down, but at the time I suppose it made me feel a **** thinking anything else might happen!
Im not one for politicians normally, and I've always though ed sseemed a bit dry on tv, but I was quite impressed in real life ... He seemed genuinely interested in people and actually quite like a normal bloke! And he remembered Hannah's gran when I mentioned her to him as being readings longest standing member of the party...
Most enjoyable evening it was!
Official Labor Party photog next Hamish ;)