Edinburgh University Quadrangle

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Rainy day. NDx10 filter, various exposure times - averaging around 15 seconds. Fuji XE1, 18-55, Auld Nik. Some cropping.




I don't know, Glenn. Fuji invest millions into developing the best cameras and lenses they can, and then I go and make images that look like they came from a cheap pinhole! Sorry, fuji guys!
It's just so 'Scottish Weather' Rob

I like the reflections - and I'm trying to work ut how I can get o shoot some - but we'd have to have rain for that, and we don't have rain!
Yes, I also thought it looked pinhole like - see comment above - taking a £1,000 camera/lens combination, and making it look like a biscuit tin pinhole!
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