Electric Sheep?

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
I stumbled upon these tonight while looking for an app that my husband wants me to have (in case I go missing in Cornwall...) New Ways to Dream Electric Sheep: An Interview with Scott Draves | Reality Sandwich. I'm not entirely sure I've figured them out, but something is running in its own window on our PC at the moment. Actually... I can't recall using a screensaver at home for years. I had Catz, but they stopped working a long time ago. Any thoughts? :)
I also put the sheep on my new (as in... I've never had a smart phone before) Xperia. They've been there for a week or so and I must say they are the best behaved of the purchased live wallpaper. The others "don't survive the on/off experience" as I found on one Android forum.

For just over £1 I still have over half my download credits and a current flock of nearly 100. I found out earlier today that I can get a screen shot - the idea is to send it to someone via a host of options, so I guess posting in here is OK.





