Encinitas Garden Festival 2012 - B&W

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
It's that time of year again - the locals in Encinitas CA open up their gardens for us mere pions to walk around and gawp at - and take photos of course! :D

Here's a selection from today - X-Pro1 - 18mm lens - PP in Silver Efex Pro


20's Lifestyle


Through the magic doorway


Vintage Man-cave


Bench & Press




Shake Wall


Succulent Mail


Frog Mail
Sometimes I feel that BW shots are in a way more colorful that color images. I know that must sound strange. Love how that Oldsmobile turned out.
Beautiful shots, every one of them. Seems like one of the keys to taking great photos is to live in a great place. Love the first - great flower on the left - and the car.
Thanks guys - this was the first outing with Silver FX for PP, and I found it gave a great level of control - really enjoying using it.

Agree with the B&W vs Color comments Brian - I visualized certain shots in B&W as I took them, based on lighting, texture, tones etc - and then tried to reproduce that mental image later with PP

The car was a bit special - and the owner has the whole garage set up as a retro museum display - very cool. Clearly not short of a few bucks!
Brilliant set as always Chris.
Loving the vintage motor popping out of the darkness.
Some lovely toning Chris ... Especially the car and the mail box!
The elephant chap has a lovely sense of depth to it too!
More 18mm goodness. Nice to see familiar subjects, as it's easier for me to judge the camera and lens qualities. I love that first shot of the house porch.
Thanks Darren - that whole property was amazing, Janelle just wanted to move in immediately!