Peter Roberts
Well-Known Member
My EXA500 doesn't have much of a life. It normally sits at the back of the cabinet and rarely goes out. In addition to the usual EXA/Exakta quirks, not least the left hand shutter release, it's got a couple of its own. The shutter doesn't always cock when winding on and towards the end of a roll the film drifts off the guides.
Last weekend, however, Stefan Wilde and I had arranged to meet up in Greenwich. So in honour of the occasion and because it was German the EXA came with me. Circumnavigating the Cutty Sark several times while waiting for Stefan to arrive it became obvious that I wasn't the ony one looking for somebody or something.

Suffice to say that as it had the best part of a roll of film left in it the EXA got treated to another outing when it accompanied me during the week on a regular walk.

EXA500 / Zeiss (DDR) 50mm f2.8 / Yellow filter / Kentmere 400 / ID.11
Last weekend, however, Stefan Wilde and I had arranged to meet up in Greenwich. So in honour of the occasion and because it was German the EXA came with me. Circumnavigating the Cutty Sark several times while waiting for Stefan to arrive it became obvious that I wasn't the ony one looking for somebody or something.

Seeking Stefan
So far so good and a very over-simplified account. The full story of our meeting deserves to be, and will be, worked up into a One Shot Story for 35mmc.
Suffice to say that as it had the best part of a roll of film left in it the EXA got treated to another outing when it accompanied me during the week on a regular walk.

Fora as fauna

Peeping Tom

Galatea and lilies

Going up
Given that it was only a 24 exposure film of which two frames were wasted when loading and three when the film drifted and finally snagged at the end I'm surprised that I managed to squeeze five half decent shots out of the temperamental old thing.
EXA500 / Zeiss (DDR) 50mm f2.8 / Yellow filter / Kentmere 400 / ID.11