Experiments with a candlestick :-)

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Black on black is hard to do, especially with natural window light, but I thought I would give it a go, try various settings. Not serious shots at all, just trying to find the limits of my set up and deliberately soft focus. All shot at f/1.1 with the 7Artisans 50mm; 320 ISO.

1. Just revealed by its specular highlights:

Candlestick 1.jpg

2. Soft with "grain"

Candlestick 2.jpg

3. Hilarious visual joke with torch (it's the way I tell 'em!)

Candlestick 4.jpg

5. This one a has such a deep meaning, I can't quite figure it out. But it did introduce a big block of white to contend with:

Candlestick 5.jpg

Leica Monochrom and 7Artisans 50mm 1.1
I wonder where number 4 went to?! Typo, I think.

So, we have a vote for the first and the last, while I prefer the second. Something for everyone :)