Familie Tschapek

Prompted by images posted by Rob and Allan, this was shot in the 'abandoned' area of a graveyard in the Flora district of Prague. This is a scan of a print (the image area is 30 cm x 30 cm) but not quite the final version - that is hanging in a frame on the wall of the studio. It also reminds me that I have a whole load of films from that trip that I have yet to print!


Mamiya 7II + 65mm lens onto Ilford Delta 400 rated at ISO 400 (ID11). Printed (Devere 507 + Heiland Split-Grade head / Rodenstock 80mm Apo Rodagon) onto Ilford Multigrade IV (Glossy RC - processed in an Ilford 2150RC using Ilford chemistry) and then scanned (Microtek Scanmaker 1000XL) as a 48 bit colour image at 600ppi. Processed in Lightroom and Nik SilverFX 2to regain contrast and 'colour' of original print.

The original print hanging above the scanner.

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This was one of the good graves and, sorry, yes this is a scan and process done the same way the the doorway. It just refused to go right any other way - no idea why. I must run the calibration on the scanner again, maybe that will sort it. I've edited out all the drivel at the bottom of the post as it is no longer relevant and is confusing I think.
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The chapel makes me wonder about its history ... its colourful inhabitants & maybe a few spooky too.
Id like to visit around the witching hour mwahahahaha