Feeling Souper

Darren Turner


see ... now this is a good street shot ... despite it being taken with a long lens!
The question is why?

I wonder if anyone has the same reasoning that I might?
Id be interested to hear why people might or might not think that this makes a good street shot?
Before you even look at the image quality, lighting, DOF etc, it's good because it tells a story, and automatically has humor because of the juxtaposition of the subject and the advertising poster.

Then you look at how sharp the subject is - the nice background blur, the smooth tones, the way the subject is lit - and it all makes for an excellent photograph.
Long lens squash the background (as discussed) and often remove context by the usual narrow dof
In this case, as the subject is backed up against something the context is there and in focus!
If just a shot of this chap walking down the road it wouldnt work, but because of the soup poster advertising something "good for you" and the fact that he is smoking; not good for you... his smug/thinks he is cool looking expression seems to imply that he might feel good about him self in terms of his ego ... but the bags under his eyes say he could probably do with a souper soup ...
thats what i see in it anyway... regardless of what i see in it, or anyone else might... there is context, and a story to be read should the viewer decide to spend some time looking!
I like it!
this is good street photography Darren! More please!

all this talk of long lens (my way of street photography, as i dont have big enough balls to jump in there face ) has got me all emotional.........sniff sniff.........!! I miss her sooooooo much..............lol



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I would also say that his suit really makes the image work as well. I don't think this would be anywhere near as good as it is if he wasn't wearing it. For me it is just the way his suit doesn't seem to hang from him right, it is almost quirky in a way. Even if you crop the poster the character alone is still very strong with out the extra context that it gives.

Well, that is what I think anyway ;).
Hmm.. I'm just following links from Street threads & have ended up here, a little late , but will add a comment to the thread.

First of all I think it's a great photo! Nice capture Darren!

It's quite interesting to read how people see the image & what they take from it, very interesting in fact!
I get the link between the souper soup & the contradiction with him smoking & a few other things mentioned, but most of them are not what I saw in the image, which I find interesting.

I did see the link with the bags under his eyes with the wholesome super soup which adds a little humour for me, but after that I'm not so sure I need the background. If it was more OOF the image would still have the same appeal to me.

I see modern living & a little contradiction. He looks a pretty cool young lad that plays hard! Unusually for the time & the contradiction in the image for me, he's wearing a suit, shirt & tie, most youngsters don't these days. Interestingly he wears it well, it's cut nice almost a little late 50's early 60's & he's got a little style going on with a matching quiff style haircut. An interesting looking young lad! His hands are screaming modern times to me. He's got a mobile phone in one hand possibly texting or even surfing the web, these have become dependable in modern times. In the other hand he has a cigarette & modern times dictate he must be outside the souper soup shop to smoke it.

I find it fascinating that see & read images differently!
The lens is irrelevant. Surely street photography of all genres is the most "not about the gear" genre?

It's a souper shot!
I seem to be following behind Alfie, but for what it's worth (and I'm probably showing my age here), these are my thoughts. I agree it works because he is stationary and is wearing a suit. The gel in his hair, the way he has casually placed one leg, the cigarette by his side and the mobile phone. He's very young though, so to me this is all for show. The reference to souper made me think of "Putting on the Ritz" by Fred Astaire. Some of the lyrics go "trying hard to look like Gary Cooper, super duper". I think this young man is trying to put on the Ritz - it is slang for trying to be fashionable.

At this point I will say that I am not old enough to have seen the movie when it first came out :D
The lens is irrelevant. Surely street photography of all genres is the most "not about the gear" genre?

It's a souper shot!

I agree Dave, reading through forums and following various street phtoographers on youtube & blogs, they all rave of 50mm & shove you camera in peopls faces is THE way to go when doing street photography

I dont agree with this approach for a few reasons.
1. I aint brave enough
2. I dont handle confrontation well & could get arrested :D
3. I find that being more discreet & taking the shot from afar IE 200mm while being unnoticed makes for a better more natural image, which doesn't invade the subjects space nor generally casue's any upset or annoyance to the subject

I realise we all have our own methods and at the end of the day ( i hate that phrase ) as long we get a photo we are happy with is all that important right ?

I also agree with Alfie & Lesley and find it interesting how we all read and view the same image in different light,
