Lesley Jones
Otherwise know as Zooey
We currently have 15 ferrets free ranging in the converted downstairs bedroom with one more rescue upstairs waiting to be introduced. Some of their stories are heartbreaking - Wall-E (upstairs) was thrown in a wheelie bin the week before last. When our elderly Bailey was a youngster, he was thrown from a moving car with two of his brothers tied in a plastic bag.
Buzz and Woody here were some of the ferrets we took from a lad keeping 17 of them in five foot, two storey cage - tiny kits mixed in with entire males. It's a wonder they survived because the lad only fed them if his working jills caught any rabbits.
We had only had them for a few days here, but they were already a lot happier
Buzz and Woody here were some of the ferrets we took from a lad keeping 17 of them in five foot, two storey cage - tiny kits mixed in with entire males. It's a wonder they survived because the lad only fed them if his working jills caught any rabbits.
We had only had them for a few days here, but they were already a lot happier