Film From The Fridge.

Dave Green

Well-Known Member
I keep my film in the fridge.

How long should I leave it out of the fridge before loading it into a camera?
Here in Southern California I would leave my film an hour or maybe even less. I'd be more careful (and leave it longer) if the film was coming out of the freezer.
I have a confession to make: I don't actually refrigerate my film.o_O Well,...not usually. The only film I have in the fridge at the moment is a couple of packs of Fuji BW3000 for Polaroid cameras. I go through film pretty quick, so refrigeration is not something I need badly. But as I said before, here in Sourthern Cal I would leave my film out an hour or so. (If I refrigerated it.)
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I only started when I was given a batch of OOD provia 400 that had been refrigerated ... I figured keep it so and it should last! Since then the fridge just became the natural storage place ... Although I do also have a few rolls in a draw at home ;)
It depends on the ambient temperature but from a fridge at 5-8ºC to a room temperature of about 21ºC would probably take about 30 minutes out of the plastic case. Condensation is probably the biggest potential problem if you put the film in a camera too soon after removing it from cold storage. I usually leave it about an hour. Just to prove how anal I can be @Hamish Gill, I'll put a temperature recorder on a roll and measure it when I get back to the UK! ;)