Film: Not Dead Yet (CNN)

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
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Wish i had space to set up a darkroom again. For now all i can do is borrow a change bag from one of the camera guys at work, so i can at least process my own negatives.
You know it makes me want to go and get some b/w film and start developing my own negatives. Something I have not done for many years. Good to see the people in the film are so enthusiastic.
I find it odd that anyone would have ever said film was dead ...
People will likely use film for a long time to come ... imo whilst we still have photography we will still have film ...
I enjoyed that CNN video a lot. Thanks for posting the link Chris.

Coincidentally Elliott Erwitt was featured in a report on National Public Radio just last week.
To be honest, I only really got back into photography because of digital. I grew up shooting film, like everyone else. I took all kinds of classes as a kid, and I whiled away most of my time in high school in the darkroom as the photographer for the school paper. But I got so burned out on it that I eventually just gave up photography completely. I packed up all my kit, and didn't even hold a camera for about 12 years. It was the darkroom time that burned me out on it - I always much preferred shooting.

When DSLRs started getting good enough to mimic what we could do on film, that's when I jumped back in. Yes, there are still some things about film that I miss... but not enough to pick up my old AE-1 again.
Your style and subject matter suit digital though i think Darren! sharp, clean, real!
Film, imo, suits more artistic styles ...