First photo thread...

Chris Armstrong

Active Member
Thought some of you might find this one's kind of a fluke shot that's turned out to be one of my favorites. This is on of my father-in-laws prize bulls. He's built like a 2500 lb. pit-bull, but scarier! This photo was snapped with my Olympus c5060 just as it started to fail. The settings would randomly change on their own, and sometimes I got some pretty interesting photos. This photo was taken on a sunny day, but it looks more like moonlight.


P.S. I'm not sure how to get an image to appear full size within the post....any hints?

Thanks in advance,
When you click the insert image icon and select "from URL" un-tick the tick box "retrieve file ..."
You gotta love a fluke shot!
So do you know what settings it took on? In what way did it fail?
He doesn't look the sort you want want to meet in a dark alley ;)
Thanks for the tip Hamish. The c5060 had a common issue with the settings dial failing. It would randomly select settings on it's own accord which was very frustrating, but could result in some interesting shots. I was lucky that I got about 4-5 years of pretty rugged use out of the camera before it started acting up. Other users reported the same problem much sooner. It was not enough to turn me off Olympus products, because the image quality was great, and I had put the camera through a fair bit of abuse.

Here is another pic of the same beast with another random setting...:p...and I couldn't tell you what the settings were.

I love the how moonlit has create the shape of the beast....
Fantastic shot I say :)