First shots with Voigtlander Vitoret D

Andrew Cotterill

Well-Known Member
This is probably the best of the bunch

CNV00007 smaller.jpgCNV00018 smaller.jpgCNV00001_edit smaller.jpg
I'm not going to show the blurry shots of ducks, though :-)


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I like what you're doing with the angles and abstracts, Andrew. Nice.

thanks :-)
Love that first shot - looks like a dinosaur spine

So the Voigtlander didn't cause you any issues then?
Some more great shots ... So do you feel you have caught the big for this sort of sshooting
feels good to get back to basics eh
Love that first shot - looks like a dinosaur spine

So the Voigtlander didn't cause you any issues then?

thanks :-) I love that 'spine' thing, I just can't get any closer cause the other end is flooded so they locked the gates (was tempted to jump the fence) I took some shots of it at night, 4 seconds, and they're ok too. it's just a nice shape.

The Voigtlander is fine so far, no probs, and the lightmeter is still working.

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Really like the interesting angles and sections of the architecture Andrew.

thank you. I love wonky angles, have been known to shoot at 45° and upside down - but that's easier with your phone I think.