Flags, Flags, Flags

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Big Independence march in Edinburgh today. According the official police report, there were over 100,000 marchers. Very bright day. We marched through narrow streets, which made for dark shadows and bright sky. These are all unedited, as there were too many (180) shots for me to be bothered with. To be honest, I don't like them as much as the last march I did, the anti-Trump one during his visit to Scotland a couple of months ago. Then everyone had interesting placards, this time it was all saltires (the Scottish flag).






Scots voted to remain in Europe - no Brexit, thank you! European flag:


Theresa May made a surprise appearance:


Two of my piping friends. The middle guy is Matt, the piper to the right is Pete. Don't know who the guy on the left is. The drummer is Pete's son - sorry I cut him in twain.


Robert Fergusson, a once role model for a young Robert Burns. A brilliant poet, who sadly ended his life in Edinburgh's Mad House:

Robert Fergusson.jpg

I have to say the crowd were in a good mood, with lots of joy and laughter, even from some of the police. Such is political life here in Scotland, despite the official police figure of over 100,000, Labour-run Edinburgh Council gave a figure of 20,000. Being as impartial as I can, I would say the police got it right. I've never been in such an enormous crowd. Sorry I didn't get better photographs.

Sigma SD Quattro, 30mm 1.4 lens. In-camera b&w.
They are a good set of pictures, capture the feel of the scene well. The first three give a sense of the numbers and density of the crowd. All the flags remind me of scenes from historical movies, an army marching, proudly waving their colours.
Revolting Rob - lot's of revolting going on! :p

I love #2 where the people are in shadow, and the flags are highlighted