For Sale - All three Sigma Merrills! SOLD!

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Yes, I'm now a film junkie, and require money to feed my habit. All three cameras are in very good condition, each with a dedicated leather cover and lens cap. £200 each or £500 for all three. Postage extra. That's a bargain. PM me if interested. And for all our sakes, please don't even think about trying to beat me down to a lower price :mad::D

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You know I'm a film man myself, Rob. But, in truth, yes. Perhaps for one. But the timing's a bit off for me at the moment I'm afraid.
And you failed to take advantage of the Rob MacKillop legacy factor. Have you seen how much an ex Cartier Bresson Leica sells for!
And you failed to take advantage of the Rob MacKillop legacy factor. Have you seen how much an ex Cartier Bresson Leica sells for!
That's right Pedro. I lulled him into a false sense of security by not offering a counter to his starting price. I cunningly avoided mention of mojo lest he raise it! (babelsberg here I come!;))