French Rugby Fans in Princess Street

No, just before it. I was on my way to the graveyard (I know how to enjoy myself at weekends!) which is just to the right of his picture. I'd just put film in my camera and was checking the light, when these guys suddenly appeared. The shot was hurried, of course, and not in focus, but it was an amusing moment.
The guy giving the fingers,...wonder if he knows what he's doing?

Sometimes you dan't have time to fiddle with the adjustments, just have to shoot and hope for the best. Nice one, Rob!
Great moment captured Rob - Given that the traditional two finger salute was born as an insult to the French - it's quite ironic/cheeky that he should use it on you!

This salute dates back to the English Longbowman who fought the French during the Hundred Years War (1337 – 1453).

The French hated the English archers who used the Longbow with such devastating effect.

Any English archers who were caught by the French had their Index and middle fingers chopped off from their right hand- a terrible penalty for an archer.

This led to the practice of the English archers, especially in siege situations, taunting their French enemy with their continued presence by raising their two fingers in the ‘Two-Fingered Salute’ meaning “You haven’t cut off my fingers !” :D

Good history lesson, Chris, and it sounds plausible. But he might also have been indicating V for Victory, which has not always been the reverse of the f-you sign. There is great footage of a triumphant Winston Churchill giving the photographers the V after the German surrender, and he looked like he was telling the photographers to f-off.

I agree with other comments, that it doesn't have to be technically perfect to be a good photo. Music is the same...