Fujifilm fotonex 300ix zoom

Just ordered a 3 pack of 24 exposures off fleabay for 9 quid, not bad hey.
Kindly awaiting a role off Glen too.
I'm committed to this now, got to show some results after this moment of stupidity from moi!! :D:D
I reckon you should H, I feel a theme coming on :)
Ill use the films up and be on Joan's case!
A bit of internetting reminds me that I had a minolta vectis 40 which I regret I can no longer find :( ... Took so many great pictures with it throughout my teens including my school year photo. I got left out of the year book until the last minute as it was my photo that was used for reference ... I of course wasn't in it as I was taking it. They rememberd me at the last minute. I made it to the last page of the book!

It is also the vectis that is arguably responsible for my gettin into photography properly ... It was with it that I took a photo that I entered into a inter-school competition ... I didn't win but my photo was highlited as of some merit for its composition. The teacher, mentioned to me that she thought I had a natural keen eye for compo .. I was hooked from that moment ... I must have been about 14 ...
The photo was of some rock formations in lanzarote :)

Anyway, whilst I liked the vectis, I always loved the look of the canons ... So I'm going to find my self a canon l1. It wouldn't have been my choice at the time as it is a fixed lens ... But that fits the bill for me these days! :)
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Brilliant story H.
My first memorable experience with a compact was a Kodak ( one of the KB series i think - really can't remember which one) and that was in year 2000.
My dad bought him self this camera when he went on tour to Oman for 6 months and when he came back I 'acquired' it for my threshers party in Mönchen Gladbach barracks (JHQ).
All I can remember is that the bloody thing was covered in sand and had trouble getting it to work!
Upon getting a telling off when admitting that I opened the back up when there was still film in it as I hadn't a clue back then, he told me that he tried to show us all what a sand storm looked like as well as the lack of visibility you had (hence the plastering in sand)
Needless to say, we didn't get to see that photo nor did I use the camera after that because it was naffed.
That was the earliest memory of a camera that I've had.
Not many many years ago, but a memory that got me interested in photog.
Funny how these little events in out lives can end up in such all encompassing hobbys int it!?

ive just put a couple of bids on a couple of aps cameras ... A canon l1 in black and a fuji 1000ix (which looks very tasty) ... Wish me luck! :)
when the evenings get a bit lighter perhaps we should go on a aps outing :)
All the best!
I might look into these APS cameras if all goes well. Be a new thing for me! ;)
Always up for an outing.... Especially at night ;)

Let me know how you get on with the bids.
I will...
I can't quite belive I have talking my self into buying an aps camera ...
the thing is, the fuji 1000ix, spec wise, looks incredible! If it was a 35mm it would probably still fetch upwards of £50.
ok aps has a smaller negative, but this seems to have been blown way out of proportion... It has a 1.2x crop factor ... So it's not exactly tiny, still bigger than most digital cameras. Dunno, I'm gonna run a couple of films through a couple of these cameras and see how I get on. I suppose the main limitation is the type and quality of film available these days...
Locked and loaded, already taken a few snippets.
It's dinky film isn't it?! I can't believe I've never come across APS before?! :/

Anyway, this film is dated from what I can see 2002, I hope that's not too old, I'm keeping it in the garage where it is nice and cool.
If its not you will get nice pastel colours at worst id have thought ...
Was it £8.99 for 3 rolls from Bournemouth(?) off eBay?
If its not you will get nice pastel colours at worst id have thought ...
Was it £8.99 for 3 rolls from Bournemouth(?) off eBay?

Certainly was!! How'd you know?!!

- - - Updated - - -

Just won the fotonex 1000ix for £5 Dan!!

WTF!! Can't believe it!!
Not that I know what you have won for the cost of 5 sheets. But it sounds impressive for that at least. Happy new year H!
Now get snapping!!! I've just shot up 24 exposures already!!!!
Dan another roll should be arriving there very soon too, good luck with them...
Won the canon ixus L-1 too ...
I know coz I bought it too Dan.
nothing arived my end ... But I've been putting loads of films through the yashica :)
Courtesy of Glen Roberts, I'm now loading my Fuji with APS.
Thanks again Glen

I was just wondering last week if you had got around to using that film yet, now I know.
Look forward to seeing the results.