Fuzzy at the seaside

Wow Gary, that's almost too specific to think you weren't at the seaside when Stevenson took the shot 😁

Definitely feels film and the vignette makes me think pinhole could be...

But, could also be a small sensor like the Pentax Q and adapted lens 😁
I'd better give the game away before this gets out of hand 😂 I don't want to be banned for deception!

It's just a phone shot - DNG processed in Darktable with some 'interesting' colour tweak, grain, and some judicious use of the 'blurs' feature that aims to simulate actual optical blurring, albeit in a simplified fashion.

I was quite pleased with the 'authenticity' of it... hence the quiz.
Sorry it's dull... ;)
I'd better give the game away before this gets out of hand 😂 I don't want to be banned for deception!

It's just a phone shot - DNG processed in Darktable with some 'interesting' colour tweak, grain, and some judicious use of the 'blurs' feature that aims to simulate actual optical blurring, albeit in a simplified fashion.

I was quite pleased with the 'authenticity' of it... hence the quiz.
Sorry it's dull... ;)
Haha, further proof in the right context most of us couldn't tell what's made the image 😁. I'm a dyed in the distaste phone camera derrider, not for any quantified reason, I just personally dislike mobile phones (contrarian necessity the damn tech is), but you tweaked this good Stevenson.