Geometric equations

hamish, you're almost there, just draw some spokes for the wheels. :p be honest now, you were the kid in class who couldn't figure out how to add numbers on the calculator but could spell boobies upside down on it.

jim, nicely seen, in both the real world and numerical one.
I never realised the combination of photography and maths could be such a wild and heady hoot! If you beat a moving subject twice as hard on the second exposure than the first does your shutter speed reduce by half? I can see myself pondering maths related photography problems more.
hamish, you're almost there, just draw some spokes for the wheels. :p be honest now, you were the kid in class who couldn't figure out how to add numbers on the calculator but could spell boobies upside down on it.

jim, nicely seen, in both the real world and numerical one.

ill have you know Beth that actually ...

... Your bang on there!! ;)