Get that camera out of my face!!!!!

Pete Sykes

Well-Known Member
Today, a couple of Alpacca's arrived on the farm.................

The bloke in the background isn't dead or asleep ............... It's his attempt at blending into the background ............. He is the one that brought them.

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Hahha ... As I understand it, if you close your eyes when someone takes a photo f you you disapear ... I guess he didn't have them closed tight enough!?

Love the alpaca ... I can never understand how an animal can look so wise and so stupid at the same time! Same goes for camels!
They look remarkably like camels ..............He (or she...I have no idea) had just been turfed out of the horse (alpacca) box, an me and the camera were the first things it saw.......:rolleyes:
Is Al Packer, Kerry Packer's brother Pete? ;)
Excellent shot there Pete. Love the stalk of grass. I can imagine the conversation now, "Yes they are a bit stupid but they can make quite good pets. I mean, just look at him. He thinks if he shuts his eyes you can't see him, Bless!". ;)

.......... I'm still unsure which one looked the most stupid :rolleyes: