
Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
I have enabled google plus ...
I dont have it yet my self as in googles words:

Oops... you need a Google Profile to use this feature.
Google Profiles is not available for your organisation.

Its not available for the type of account i have yet ... still, nothing like a bit of future proofing!

Anyone got an account yet?
Not bothered at this point - I hear lots of hype, but have yet to hear anything to make me hit the go button
Yup, and it looks very good though it is obviously a work in progress as was Facebook for the first years—and in some ways still is. I have posted some of my images and see that Google+ does not reduce them from their full 1280 pixel size. Where compression artifacts can be quite visible on Facebook, I see none on Google+.

Larry Bolch on Google+
Your +1's can help friends, contacts, and others on the web find the best stuff when they search. So very similar to "like" but it helps with searches for others