Brian Moore
This is the negative side of a Polaroid shot. I took it using my Polaroid 230 Automatic Land Camera and Fuji FP3000b black and white film. With this film, when you peel the positive away, you're left with this goop side that, when dry, you can scan. Sometimes you get some solarization, some of which I think is apparant in this image.
(Fuji also made another black and white peel-apart film for Polaroid Land Cameras called FP100b. They no longer make it. However, that film, albeit still available on E-bay and maybe in some camera shops as new old stock, did not reveal a scannable goop side. It just turned black and I don't know that it can be recovered.)
By the way,...Fuji's color peel-apart film for Pola Land Cams--FP100c--can yield a negative from the peeled away side if you wipe off the black residue with a mild bleach solution. It's sad to think how many unrevealed negs were tossed in the bin.
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