
And now with flash! Here is the Speed Garphic fitted with a Graphlite flash unit. It uses flash bulbs and also has power take-offs for accessories such as the Kalart Focuspot (the lead not going to the lens). This unit allows you to focus in the dark by projecting two beams of light out of the range-finder. When they overlap, the image will be in focus! Hi-Tec or what!! :)


Ricoh GR Digital III, PP in LR, PS and Nik ColorFX 4.
All that chrome - it's really gorgeous Pete :)

That twin light beam thing reminds me of the system used by the Lancasters in the dam busters raid...

Two spotlights were mounted, one under the aircraft's nose and the other under the fuselage, so that at the correct height their light beams would converge on the surface of the water.
