one of my favorite places in the world, and you've managed a wonderful capture of it. looks like the view from oxbow bend. though i wouldn't be surprised if the band of mist is from a nearby forest fire.
I do not know whether the place where I stood is named Oxbow Bend, but I think you are right about the fire. I certainly would like to go back there. Thanks for the praise Beth and Pete.
oxbow bend is a pretty famous (if you're researching the park) overlook at the northern end of the loop road as it's heading west into the park. it's a pretty good spot to watch for moose in the evening, and it's where i shot the milky way after dark. it's one of the few spots in the park where you're looking longways down a body of water towards the mountains. everywhere else you look across the short side of a stream or lake. this looks like it was probably shot there.
I think you are right Beth, from what I remember and how you explain. would really like to go back. thanks Rob, I usually do it with colour but do appreciate black and white too.