Greetings from the Isle of Wight

Welcome, Gavin. Love the photo, as well. Look forward to your contributions and feel free to provide any constructive criticism you wish.
Nice part of the world you live in as well - looking forward to seeing some shots, and hearing your rock and roll tales

You must have some, surely! :D
I think the true rock and roll days are behind us Chris. Nowadays you hear them asking for silly things like "don't butter my bread all the way to the edges, I can't eat it like that" whilst I sit there, look into the sky and thank god for Ozzie Osbourne.

Look forward to your contributions and feel free to provide any constructive criticism you wish.
Thanks Darren. Constructive I like, de-constructive or outright rudeness I can't bare and is why I've not done the forum thing for so long. Thank you.