Greetings from Washington DC, or is it Tokyo this week, I forget where I am!

Aaron J. Heiner

Well-Known Member
Quick introduction before sledging off to work again. I'm a DC based photojournalist who spends about 40% of the year in Japan, though I'm pretty sure I'm in DC now, looking at traffic, definitively DC.

Most of my professional work is sadly color, personal stuff is B&W, usually out of Fuji X-cameras because my back hates my Nikons and the doc says I can't lug around pro bodies and f/2.8 glass anymore.

For weekend fun, I started dicking around with a Fuji Instax of which I still cant get a decent picture out of to save my life; seriously, every 16 year old Japanese school girl can manage to use this thing, but after 35 years of photography under my belt, I'm lucky the things powers on for me.

Photography wise, when I'm not doing nay newspaper work, I do street photography, and I'm a train buff. Also enjoy BW infrared.

Will try to post and comment tonight, if time or my cat permits.

PS- No idea why my avatar is a tanuki, it should be of me, unless I really am a shape shifter to which explains why my GF never seems to recognize me.
Hi Aaron. Great to have you here. I know what you mean about Instax. I've managed one or two that I've shared here, but most end in the bin. I'll have a look at your blog when I have more time - I've not had breakfast yet!
Welcome to you Aaron, from the top of the world, where I'm at most of the time. Enjoyed your images of recent, from Nippon. Been there myself several times many moons ago. Always fun to watch images from daily life going by and in the category of the desicive moment!:cool: