Guardian article on Leica

I've seen several of these images on a number of occasions and there is one, Sunday on the Banks of the River Marne, that always reminds me of a family shot which I now call Sunday Eating Ice Cream on the Banks of Loch Lomond:

This was taken about 1961 or 62 I would think, and from left is my mother, my grandmother, myself and my grandfather. The picture taker was my father. And as you can see it wasn't a Leica he had but probably a Kodak box camera or something like that. Truth is I don't actually know where the image was shot but Loch Lomond seems good enough. Not saying it's as great as the Marne shot, just that it reminds me of it and vise-versa.

Thanks for posting the link, Rob.
Love it Brian, your dads picture that is. A great quality to it which for myself far exceeds anything that can be obtained with the modern digital whatever this was taken with.
Great article Rob, many thanks for the link.

Brian, your photo brought back so many memories and there must be millions of photo's like it hidden away in shoe boxes under the bed, or up in lofts, never to see the light of day. Thank the Lord you kept it and cherish it.

I can remember running back from Boots the Chemist with my paper bag of developed photo's from my old Kodak. A bag full of photos just like yours except my thumb was usually on it or heads had been cut off ! You posting your picture has reminded me so much of those wonderful days when everything was so simple and innocent and GAS didn't mean gear acquisition syndrome but the meter box under the stairs where you put a bob piece in.

Wonderful to see your family and thank you for sharing it.
Great article Rob, many thanks for the link.

Brian, your photo brought back so many memories and there must be millions of photo's like it hidden away in shoe boxes under the bed, or up in lofts, never to see the light of day. Thank the Lord you kept it and cherish it.

I can remember running back from Boots the Chemist with my paper bag of developed photo's from my old Kodak. A bag full of photos just like yours except my thumb was usually on it or heads had been cut off ! You posting your picture has reminded me so much of those wonderful days when everything was so simple and innocent and GAS didn't mean gear acquisition syndrome but the meter box under the stairs where you put a bob piece in.

Wonderful to see your family and thank you for sharing it.
Pat,...thank you very much for your response. It is very meaningful and poignant.
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