Leica Monochrom Typ 246 with Elmar 50mm 2.8

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
As a treat for returning home from hospital, I was encouraged by my wonderful wife to buy a new 2nd-hand camera. Despite having the amazing Leica Q3, I really have missed having a Monochrom. I shot 500 images with a second-hand Monochrome M9, the first iteration of the line from Leica. I loved that camera, yet it had a flaw: the sensor became corrupted, not just mine, all of them I think. The Typ 246 replaced it with a new sensor, and as far as I can see, each new version looks to my eyes more digital-looking than filmic. To help temper that, I've paired it with the Elmar 50mm f2.8 lens, which has a soft look, is not the sharpest lens by a long way, but having just received camera and lens an hour ago, I thought I'd share the first two shots. I look forward to getting to know the combo better in the coming days and weeks.

Monochrom a 1200.jpg

Monochrom b 1200.jpg

1. Charlie - a little out of focus. I'll improve on that.
Charlie 1200.jpg

2. TV, CDs and Guitar, oh, and plants too...
Guitar 1200.jpg
We are eagerly waiting, Rob. We always expect a lot from you no matter what camera you use, but don't feel pressured, just enjoy your new equipment.We are eagerly waiting, Rob. We always expect a lot from you no matter what camera you use, but don't feel pressured, just enjoy your new equipment.
It is not a secret. I was allowed to open it before the grand day as this santa convinced me. I had one of these new, some years ago, sold it as a fool I am, but santa brought one back to me the other day. I am a kid at heart. It is a fuji xh1, brand new, gone only 5900 in mint condition, at a price santa could afford. So now I have equipped it with a 35mm/f2,0
Set it for monochrome and given myself an assignment. Only to see in the viewfinder or on display, the shades of black and white. Just use this one only, from tomorrow and through-out this year. All other cameras and lenses shall remain untouched. Whether all pictures shall have an outcome in bl/white remains to be seen. You see photographing in raw and jpeg, set in black and white, shall be revealed in colours as well once loaded on to the pc. My pentax is up for sale and just olympus and fuji remain.
Regarding prints, it is as I said, mainly interesting to the photographers who did the photo I am afraid. That is how this world has become, albeit there are some exhibitions about, at times. Cheers Rob.
I assume any cameras of today are good enough. It is only up to the photographer to use it conveniently🙂 As for me, it is Moore about emotions🤣 Do not exspect miracles regarding my photography.
I assume any cameras of today are good enough. It is only up to the photographer to use it conveniently🙂 As for me, it is Moore about emotions🤣 Do not exspect miracles regarding my photography.

As for me, I had asked Santa for a new camera, something more than the one I have now, and he had agreed. But I'm the one who changed my mind because (speaking for myself, exclusively) there is no point in doing a gear upgrade if you haven't done a photographer upgrade first.