Xmas present: Minolta 90mm F/4 lens

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
For the Leica Monochrome Typ 246, which now has two lenses, a 50mm and this rather excellent 90mm. The selfie was taken shooting into a mirror.

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Focussing is a breeze with Live View, but my hand-held shots are a little shaky these days. I'll do some practice in that department, but have recourse to a tripod for still lifes/lives.

Also was gifted a biography of Henri Cartier-Bresson by Pierre Assouline. Looks good. Oh, and a subscription to B&W magazine. Altogether very happy!
Thanks, Beth. I missed your comment until now. I generally don't like super-sharp images...just as well. I've noticed my hands getting shaky since my illness. ICM is now UCM. Unintentional Camera Movement 🙄