Cheers for the comments Chris, I love using the wider end of my lens ... sod the distortion ... it might not be perfect, but I really dont care for perfect

It is in fact all 24-70 lens, it just looks wider as it is fairly unconventional using a wide angle lens for this sort of thing... at a guess anyway
here is another, only 32mm, but looks wider i think
as wide as i go at 24mm
Something im learning more and more from this forum is that i need to be more confident with my style, forget the "whats right" and concentrate on the "whats me" ... people like it, i just don't always believe them - my confidence waxes and wanes so much when it comes to wedding photography its crazy! This time i have really gone with what I do well, and thats this, slightly imperfect, slightly "quirky" (so im told) but hopefully as you say give an impression of "attending the wedding" ... thats the most important thing for me as i feel it is likely to trigger memory to the day better ... I personnaly feel a vignette pulls the viewer into the photo in a way that adds to that feeling ... so that's why i do it! (even if it does look a little ott ... i think to the untrained eye, it will have the effect i want without looking to artificial ...(??))
It also suits the castle i think ...
The little girl is called Fraya ... would you believe, her parents are called Hamish and Hannah, and live in worcester ... Hamish used to drink in my local, i went down the one day, he was there with a gir ... oh we did have a chuckle when we introduced each other to each other