This is photojournalism though Paul, it's a very different genre of image...
Not wanting to sound conceited, but there is a lot more to look at in my photos than that river picture...
Anyone caring to spend a moment looking at these could ask loads of questions...
I hoped to capture somthing that makes people aware of the feeling in the room at the time...
The family feeling etc
It's a lot more tangible than a contrived concept!
And for me at least, these photos are worth way more than 2.4million...
This is what photography is about for me ... As Bresson calls is "desisive moment" photography ... That after all is the beauty of out chosen art form... It captures moments, often fleeting ones, in our lives!
The concept explored in that river shot could be explored in any number of mediums .. I could make a clay pot then sand it down until it was really smooth and dull on one side and leave the other side rough yet full of character and attach a similar concept to it!
I'm not saying don't use photography for conceptual art, I was facinates by your ideas of exploring framing within frames ... I'm just saying there is a broad difference between photography and photography as part of a "concept"
I'm not sure I'm really answering your comment here, or just agreeing with you??
I guess I'm just tryin to say there is no "concept" in photojournalism ... Other than the fact that it is what it is ... It is supposed to make the viewer ask questions... Or at very least feel some connection to the content ...
Of course it can be analyised, andesite a bit of time spent looking at it you can probably learn as much about me as you can the subject matter...
One way or another, that is much more of a deep interest to me than some flippant, and fairly obvious comment on society ... And I'm not just saying that because they are my photos, I get much more out of looking at other people images that are like this than I get out of images of a river with some trees (or whatever) photoshopped out ...
The river shot, however long the idea has been explored for etc is just not a big enough or deep enough concept for me to get into!
It's like crating an image that somehow depicts the corruption I politicians, just like I know, and am really past caring that politicians are corrupt ... I know and am past caring that we live in a society that doesn't see that striving for perfection is ultimately damaging ... I'm so aware of these facts that I'm bored of them ... And I guess that's why that image, despite it's meaning now being apparent to me, is still boring!