Hello! Lovely to be here.

Vicky Pont

Trade Member: PolicyBee
Hi everyone

I'm a new trade member! Just wanted to quickly introduce myself and PolicyBee. PolicyBee's an online insurance broker for photographers in the UK. I promise I won't bug you all with insurance day and night. But, I'm here if you need me.

We've got heaps of info to help photographers understand a bit more about insurance over on our blog. Blog | Professional Indemnity Insurance | PolicyBee

Also - something a bit more juicy than insurance. We're running a photo of the day throughout August. You can read more here and see the photos we've already been showcasing: Photo Of The Day | PolicyBee Blog on professional indemnity insurance, freelancers and consultants news and risk advice

The theme for August is 'wish you were here...'

We're asking for a photo and a few sentences to introduce it - and a paragraph or two about yourself.

If you're interested in getting involved feel free to email me (vicky.pont@policybee.co.uk).

Looking forward to getting involved - seems like a really interesting, talented forum.

Hi Vicky
Ive made you a trade member
If you create a post introducing the company, contact details etc etc ill add it to the directory
Welcome Vicky!

Sounds like a great service - as several members have demonstrated recently, insurance is a really good idea!
Thanks Chris.

Oh and for all my fellow photographers across the pond in the US, we do have an American company called InsuranceBee who would be able to help with your insurance. You can still contact me here as I work with them really closely on a daily basis.

It's so lovely to meet a really genuine bunch of people. Thanks for being so welcoming.
