
Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
I thought I was doing the right thing earlier today by buying a brand new Sigma lens "for Sony" as it said. I only found one photograph to go with it and there was no more detail in the description. I've seen these lenses for Nikon and Canon, but never more specific, so I thought no manufacturer would make different mounts for different cameras.

Ho, hum... tonight I wanted to e-mail the photograph to my friend who was so generous with my birthday gift, but now the ad on eBay is different and has other images, including one that says for Sony Alpha 33 and 55. I've Googled it and it does seem the A mount fits both those and my own A700, but now I'm confused and very worried. I've found something saying "Sony Alpha SLT cameras, MAY not be compatible with some 3-party lenses. On 10 September 2010, Sigma has issued an advisory notice for Sony A33 and A55 cameras stating incompatibility between Sigma lenses and SLT cameras." If that is the case, then is my new lens compatible with all the other Alpha cameras AND the A33 and A55, or does it only fit the latter?
It's the 10-20mm EX DC f4/5.6 and it has the HSM. I think I get it now. Those lenses do fit all Sony Alpha cameras, but there was a problem with the two SLT mentioned above. Sigma presumably tweaked the lens so it did work for those as well, which is why the little sticky label says A33 and A55 compatible. Am I right?

Here's the advisory notice (scroll down a bit)