Hi All

Dave Farnes

Well-Known Member
Hi all. I am Dave, I was recommended to join by a friend as I have a long standing interest in photography. I do not claim to be very good at it, but I enjoy seeing other folks work and hope to learn from it.

One other thing…. I found a dead seagull on the beach the other day, and was surprised to find it packed with electronics…… I heard a rumour someone here might know something about it……
Hi Dave. Good intro! And welcome to the forum. Looks like you'll fit right in. I've found this place to be helpful and supportive, so don't be afraid to ask questions.
If you'll be as welcomed as me by this lot, you'll be fine. Don't expect to understand all they say though, some talk in riddles. No name mentioned, none forgotten. You are very welcome by me too.;)
Most likely that was a DSG you discovered Dave. No reports on this side of the Atlantic of any missing DSGs, but then,...why would he report them? Good discovery!

Welcome to RPF, Dave. What part of the world do you call home?
Thank you all for the welcomes, much appreciated.

I live in England, only a few miles from the south coast.
Hmmm I'm suspicious? A dead DSG? This seems a bluff to me...

Who are you really Dave? I'm going to assume some sort of spy until proven otherwise!


Welcome to the forum
Dave, you've put a couple of beautiful shots in the Photography Showcase - a good place for them. However, no one can comment on them there, so you might consider starting a thread in the forum. I'm sure many of us would like to comment on them.

The Showcase is where we collectively place some of our better shots - and often open a thread discussion as well.
You are obviously get to experience a Dodkin surveillance Gull Tom ... Or at least you don't know that you have experienced one!!

@Brian Moore is best at spotting them! Brian, show Tom a picture!