
Welcome Chris - great choice of camera and forum!

You been taking photos before then, and just got a new camera?
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone :)

My background in photography is a little bit unusual - I started off working in the darkrooms of the Retinal Photographic Unit at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital.
I spent a big chunk of my working day processing and printing fluoroscine photographs of the retina.
During my time there I gradually progressed onto taking clinical shot of the same.

Funnily enough I recently had my eyes tested and checked, and the stuff I used to do is now instantly available for assessment, as it's all digital and server based.
So I was pleased to see picture of my own retinas again, and I could see that there was nothing much awry with them.

I left that work years ago, and ended up drifting into what I do now, which is telecommunications and data network installations - I spend much time putting cables into businesses.

My photography tends to be kids and family stuff, so nothing fancy really.
I just like having decent tools on hand to do the job - there's only so much you can do with the camera on a mobile phone.
I've had Canon cameras for years (mine was an AE1), so when I needed to replace a bridge camera my son had managed to damage I decided to plump for the Canon.
It's a nice piece of kit, and pretty intuitive to use - gives great flesh tones under flash and on full automatic too :D
Welcome Chris. Hope you enjoy it here.

P.S. The AE-1 is a lovely camera, have one myself and it's one I tend to take with me the majority of the time.
I just like having decent tools on hand to do the job - there's only so much you can do with the camera on a mobile phone.

Its amazing really ... I took this the other day with my iphone and an app called nightcap

On that subject this might be of interest to you ;)

Interesting background in photography Chris... did you ever process your own film at home?