'Holy Bokeh'

Vic Shaw

Senior Member
I forget just how old this shot is, but during my rehabilitation from the wedding I worked on a lot of old photos that I hadn't worked on before, but I won't bore you with posting them all, just the rubbish ones :)


Some proper Bokeh going on there Vic. and what a cracking shot! works very well in B+W
What camera did you use?
I think it would have been the Sony A100 with a 50mm lens

it's so dreamy


haha sorry I couldn't get dory out of my head from finding nemo when I said dreamy

by the way I love the blurred cross in the background a couple of weeks ago I shot something very similar at an old mission in San Diego, I focused on a few flowers & shot wide open with a stone cross in the background, ended up with a very similar effect...