Homage to Julian

I think the first works rather well with the different leaves pointing different ways & rustic leaf.
I like the processing as it is your way.

(p.s. photos by various on RPF has also made me relook at photos i have taken
eg the Grey i only posted because of photos i have seen on RPF).
Hmmm...I think Julian might be offended! :eek:

Because I have not replied Rob? Been busy head in a puddle explaining to dog walkers for the thousandth time what I am doing.
Need to find a puddle off the beaten track.It is great when you set the tripod up, get the polarizer set, all is well, the wind momentarily stops blowing the floating leaves across surface, All is still. Two second timer on. Get ready to press the shutter button.
B***** dog runs through the puddle. The shot ends up looking like ....... :D

In all seriousness, I am humbled but I am think that you may be scrapping the barrel for inspiration here. As I must myself resist the second hand camera shop where in the window for the half the price of the next Olympus lens on the list, is a beautiful Mami plus three lenses in the window just saying to me I can take pictures like Rob. So far I have resisted, but for how long? It is only the price of film that puts me off. Maybe after my daughter has passed her driving test and no longer needs those driving lessons.

Rob wonderful photos and thank you. I think:cool: