Home Made Redscale

Brian Moore

I took an empty 35mm cassette and loaded it with Rite Aid 400 film (re-branded Fuji), except that I wound the film backwards so as to shoot through the base layer, thus making the film "redscale."

I shot the roll 2 stops over-exposed (instead of box speed--400 ASA--I metered it for 100 ASA). This produced a very yellow tint to the images. (Not all of them, since I was manipulating my exposure settings so some images weren't a full two stops over.)

In some instances I got a look that very much reminded me of 1960's color prints that had faded.

Next time I will shoot just 1 stop over.

I want to try this soooo badly! ;)

I love that shot!!
Thanks, Hamish!

Its very simple.
1. Cut the leader off a roll of film.
2. Use tape to splice the (now straight) edge of the film onto the remainder piece of film sticking out of an old cassette.
3. Make sure you spliced it so that the back of the new film is matched to the front of the old film.
4. Place the two cassettes inside a changing bag and wind the new film into the old cassette.
5. Stop when you feel resistance.
6. Remove the cassettes from the changing bag and cut the film (But leave enough remainder so that you can use the now empty cassette for your next roll of red scale.)
7. Cut a "leader" at the leading edge of your now redscale film.
8. If you're using a DX coded canister for the redscale film as well as a camera that reads DX coding, you may wish to put some tape over the DX code area of the canister so the camera can't read it, then set the ASA manually to one or two stops over-exposed.
Brian - you're a genius!