Hot News from Hubble

Hot off the press comes the first irrefutable evidence that we are under observation by an alien race...


Cambo Legend, Schneider Super Symmar 120mm f1:5.6 MC, PhaseOne P45 back. Side-lit with a Bowens focussing spot flash driven from a Bowens Quadmatic Asymmetric generator (1 kJ s). 1/60s at f1:11. PP in CaptureOne Pro 7, PS and Nik ColorFX 4.
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I have! :) I shot it late this afternoon. Did a few dummy runs after setting focus and lighting etc to get the timing right - it's another clockwork toy where the astronaut with his camera whirls round and up down around the flying saucer on an arm. Then got the shot in one take! That's the nice thing about this sort of photography (and like most technical imaging), you spend your time setting it up and getting the camera and light adjusted and then only take one or two shots.
Errr hum... I've been observing you for a while now Pete....

I have that Carpenters song in my head now - Calling occupants, of interplanetary craft...

Brings back memories of art class in junior school for some reason - probably too much wine consumed this evening :D
A list of things I can't afford:

"Cambo Legend, Schneider Super Symmar 120mm f1:5.6 MC, PhaseOne P45 back. Side-lit with a Bowens focussing spot flash driven from a Bowens Quadmatic Asymmetric generator (1 kJ s). 1/60s at f1:11. PP in CaptureOne Pro 7, PS and Nik ColorFX 4. "
I'm with David!

Pete, time well spent I say! Much better than doing work! ;)

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks Hamish and Beth.

The toy was shot against a black background and the tiny bits of base still visible were cloned out. I then created a new white layer and simply 'punched' holes through it with a fine, hard-edged brush in PS. I used a coupe of sizes and added a few with a soft brush to create galaxies etc. After flattening, I used a brush with a low opacity to add a bit of colour to the odd star.

How did you do the stars