Hugo 14

Steve Boykin

Well-Known Member
Hugo today with the Fuji 14mm. It started raining just after we got to the park so the camera had to go up. This is the only photo I took. I am still extremely happy with this lens. I just wish I had more time to use it. I've managed to take 10 photos with it. Let's see that's $89.90 per photo....well...... I think I need an intervention. :D
it's absolutely horrible and you can't tempt me into buying this lens. i mean, c'mon, the colors are so muddy.

just a wee bit jealous... i guess all of that practice you had with your other wide angle has set you up nicely with this one. hugo looks so sharp, even the grass obeyed by bending down and pointing towards the dog.
it's absolutely horrible and you can't tempt me into buying this lens. i mean, c'mon, the colors are so muddy.


If it's the cost that's worrying you, let me assure you that it's worth surviving on a diet of bologna, american cheese, and Van Kamp's pork and beans.

Let me also assure you that I'm not some sick Fuji addict trying to suck other innocent camera owners down into my twisted world of addiction.......

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Besides, we already have Chris Dodkin for that!

You bought yours yet Bradley? - you're slacking! :D

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Great shot Steve - I think the 14mm may be THE lens for your dog shots