Just for Show I took my new love

Ivar Dahl-Larsen

Well-Known Member
for a walk the other day. There are times when one does not feel for doing anything. No matter whether one has a new toy or so, or being gloomy as this one...in dispair.jpg

But a walk can do wonders, and as one starts looking in the right directions, well.....
hvitveis sti.jpg
things just seem to brighten up.
and the mood changes as one is surrounded by beauty
the pond.jpg
in its natural environment.
home of trolls, force of the winds.jpg
as I realise the powers of the nature and what it can do
an orchid the size of my finger.jpg
as well as create as here, a beautiful small orchid the size of my forefinger.
Well I did not see the trolls who usually live out here in my woods, not on this trip, but it gave me a boost, - again. All done with my Olé, a small Olympus OMD EM10 and its kit lens. Hope you enjoyed it. I did!
Excellent Ivar. The second one the path lifts me. The seated guy seems cut off and having a moment to dwel.
Glad you are enjoying the little love. I am out of favour with Olympus at this moment , only having my bi annual colon endoscopy this week, but hopefully that will fade and we'll make friends again in time.
Actually had a mad idea to get the 12mm f2 seems to be a sweet little lens of a fine quality .
It looks to me like your new love could use a hug in that first picture Ivar. ;)
Communication is the hardest form of art, and that particular part is not one of Brians strongholds I'm afraid:D and the first picture is done with a pentax. I have many loves, might say I am a bigamist, but friends shall never become my love:rolleyes: