Yes, Glenn, it is nothing if not inspirational!You do have some inspiration though. Having a sled dog is kind of cheating though.
Spots,...? What spots,...?I'm not even going to bother to mention the young ladies that appear to have drifted into your image again Brian. What I am intrigued by are the spots!
Huh!,...Never noticed those!The black one on the road.
I ask that same question every time I take a midweek day off work.Does anyone ever work in California? Doesn't seem like it
Is Sadie pulling you along?
I was absolutely knackered, Paul. But I revived myself with a liquid refreshment when I got home.You must have been exhausted after all of the gentle walking and looking at ladies jog by Brian.
Hahaha! Well done, Dave. You're the only one that's noticed (or at least, mentioned) it so far!Interesting optical illusion. I found that if I stared at the middle ground long enough (ten minutes should do it) I could just make out a dog in the foreground - just
Haha! Someone has to bring up the rear, Chris!There's a dog Dave?
Lovely rearguard action Brian - I mean of course, your continued use of film...