I'd just like to say...

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
... AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggghhhhhhhhh!!!

There - I feel better now. I've just uninstalled both my Nik filters, but the programme only found it in Elements and not in CS5. It also wanted to remove Silver Efex from Lightroom, which is interesting because I've never had it. Not even on a trial. SEP did manage to disappear from Photoshop, but not CEP and I had to physically delete what files I could find. Then I re-installed.

The very first image I opened showed as a chequerboard at 66%, 33% etc. It's fine at 25% and 12.5%. :(

However... I do seem to be able to crop (hide) and the filters don't drop off. I can go back in to a filter and change it. I can crop again, go back into the filter and change it back. All seems fine.

Then I tried Reveal All to get the whole image back and the filters drop off. If I try and go back into a filter, it tries to render, doesn't open the filter, but adds another to the top. So let's say the true image has 5 stacked Nik filters. I double click to go back into one, it doesn't open the filter, but now I have 6 stacked filters.

Does anyone think I now ought to re-install CS5? It's going to take ages to list what has been customised, but it seems to be the only option. At the moment I just feel really depressed... :(:(
Lesley, I am sorry to hear about your struggle, but it sounds like a complete system restore (e.g. formatting the harddrive, reinstall the OS and softwares) is in order, if it hasn't recently been done already...
Yep, I agree completely ...
uninstalling and reinstalling software is IME unlikely to help ...
Save your files and settings and reformat and reinstall the lot
as I said in the other thread this will get you back to where you want to be
Once everything is backed up its not a very time consuming process.
i used to do it to my laptop as a matter of course.

It's a bit like moving house ... People who move often tend to have their stuff organised in such a way that makes the job easy. The rest of us move in a dump everything where ever it fits!

Same goes with computers! If you prepare for the requirement to reformat the process is easy
I store everything that is important in a file that is automatically backed up (Dropbox). apart from photos which are stored on an external drive that is backed up to another external drive (getting a nad soon)

unfortunatly it seems to me the only way to maintain a good pc is to format it every 6 months to a year ... Beyond that they get ****!
Or do as you did Hamish, and buy a Mac ;)